PR&RD Department – 4th Ordinary Elections to Panchayat Raj Institutions – Fixing the rates of TA / DA / remuneration payable to the polling personnel drafted for training classes polling duty and counting duty – Orders – Issued –Amendment Issued.
GO.Rt.No.1197 Dated:20.07.2013
Read the following:
1.GO.Ms.No.129, Finance TA Department, dt:17.04.2010.
2.GO.Rt.No.1077, PR&RD Election and Rules, dt.01.07.2013.
3.Representations from Teachers Associations.
ORDER:In pursuance of the orders issued in the G.O 2nd read above, certain Teachers Associations have represented to the Government to enhance the rates of TA/DA payable to the staff deployed on Training Classes/Polling/Counting Duties during 4th Ordinary Elections to Panchayat Raj Institutions 2013 as per the provisions of G.O 1st read above.
2. After careful examination of the matter Government hereby issue the following Amendment to G.O.Rt.No.1077 PR&RD (E&R) Dept., dt.01.07.2013. Amendment
3. The rates of TA/DA mentioned in the table in para 1 of the G.O shall be substituted with the following:
- Presiding Officers/Counting Supervisors (if they are Grade.I drawing pay scale of Rs.25,600 – 50,560/-): Rs.300/-
- Polling Officers/Counting assistants (if they are Grade.II drawing pay scale of Rs.13,660 – 38,570/-): Rs.200/-
- Grade.III (rest of the employees): Rs.150/-
4. The Secretary State Election Commission shall take necessary action accordingly.
5. This order issues with the concurrence of Finance (TA) Department, vide UO.No.19948-A / 109 /TA / 2013, dt.19.07.2013.