Instructions for Implementation of Mid Day Meal Scheme
Sub:- Mid Day Meal Scheme –
Implementation of Mid Day Meal Scheme – Instructions
issued for effective implementation of the Scheme during rainy
season and also further instructions issued by the Commissioner and
Director of School Education, A.P. Hyderabad in Video Conference held
on 19-07-2013 issued – Reg.
Ref: 1. Rc.No.356/MDM/2012 Dated:24/06/2013of
the C&DSE,AP, Hyderabad
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the Deputy Educational officers/Mandal Educational officers in the
District are hereby informed that in continuation of this
office reference second read above, that the Commissioner and Director of
School Education, A.P. Hyderabad have issued instructions for the
implementation of Mid Day Meals Scheme during the rainy
season, the premises of schools will be filled with mud and there won’t be any
cleanliness. Without being taken any precautions for maintaining cleanliness
and cooking food in unhygienic conditions will lead to illness to the students
who consume such food. Hence, they are informed
that they should be alert and follow the instructions given below
before serving Mid Day Meals to children for effective implementation of the
1. Ensure that hot cooked meal is
served to the children.
2. Priority should be given
for cleanliness.
3. The premises of the schools should
be kept clean.
4. Hygienic conditions
should be maintained. Cooking and serving
utensils should
be properly cleaned and dried everyday after use.
5 . Vegetables should be used only
after cleaning properly.
6. The firewood to be used to cook food
should be stored in a place
there is
no dampness.
7. Ingredients like oil and salt should
be stored in proper containers.
8. The condition of vegetables
especially leafy vegetables should be
9. Cooking ingredients should be
free from adulteration and pest
10. The cook cum helpers must wash their
hands with soap properly
11. Fresh vegetables are only to be used
for cooking.
12. First aid kit with proper medicines
should be maintained in school.
13. Ensure that children wash their
hands with soap before and after ating.
14. Use clean plates and glasses only.
Further, the instructions to all the Mandal Educational officers/ Cooking
Agencies and Cook Cum Helpers are herewith enclosed. They are requested to
Communicate the said instructions to all the Thahasildars/ Mandal Parishayat
Devolvement officers and other Mandal level Committee members and
SMC Committee members for information and to follow the instructions
of the Government from time to time. They are also requested to display the
copy of instructions in the notice board of the Mandal Parishayat and at
School level so that the parents of the pupil may have information about the
implementation of MDM Scheme./Menu and the procedure to be followed by
everybody may knows very well.
are also informed that the Commissioner and Director of School Education, A.P.
Hyderabad has Conducted Video Conference on 19-07-2013 and issued instructions
to the District Educational Officers as follows.
1. To implement the Mid Day Meals Scheme as per
the guide lines issued by the Central and State Government.
2. It is reiterated the recent tragedy occurred
in Behar State where the 22 incent School Children died, reportedly of
‘’Poisoning of Food ‘’
3. Every Mandal shall have Three teams to visit
the School and Conduct the inspections and quality of Food i.e being served to
Children i.e
i). Mandal Educational officers
ii). Mandal Development officer.
iii). The Department of E.O.R.D and Others.
iv) Other officers such as Thahasildhars who
is the Chairman of the Mandal level Committee etc.,
4. They should Consequently go around and check the Quality of food
so that the Government may no the facts ad findings regularly. To submit report
to the District Educational officer/Commissioner and Director of School
Education, A.P. Hyderabad .
5. Finally, it is stated that the District Educational Officer at District
level and the Deputy Educational officers at Divisional level and
Mandal Educational officers at Mandal level will be squarely responsible
for any mishap that take place with regard to proper implementation
of MDM Scheme.
they are requested to look into the matter personally and monitor the entire
system and see that the Mid Day Meal scheme shall be implemented effectively.