Friday, 19 July 2013


(Intermediate Passed or its Equivalent / E.T. Passed(2009-2012) Candidates]
[(Total Fee: Rs. 150 (Registraion Fee) + Rs. 1300 (Tuition Fee) = Rs. 1450]
Enter into the portal of BRAOU (

1. First, Click on UG Direct Admission, UG First Year Online Registration Form.

  • Enter the Candidate's Name, Father's Name and Date of Birth as recorded in SSC Memo.
  • Enter Mother's Name as shown in Ration Card / Adhar Card.
  • Select the Gender to which you belong.
  • Select your marital status to which you belong.

2. After completing personal details, start entering the details under the Address for Correspondence by entering House No., Street / Colony, Village / Mandal / Town / City, District, State and PIN Code, Mobile No. (Compulsory) and e-mail ID (if available). If you don't have mobile number of your own, at least provide mobile number of your parents or relatives or friends.
3. Select your medium of study, out of three media i.e., English, Telugu and Urdu.
4. Under Study Centre opted, you come across two fields i.e., District and Study Centre location.

  • First click on the District, you get a list of 23 districts. Then select the district in which you intend to study.
  • Then click on the next field i.e., Study Centre. You will find a list of Study Centers existing in the district. Select one of the study centers where you want to study.

5. Now move on to Sl. No. 5 Modern Indian Language and select one of the languages i.e., Telugu, Hindi, Urdu and Functional English.
6. Select your Educational Qualification among the list of qualifications appearing under this head.
7. Choose your religion to which you belong out of Hindu, Muslim, Christian and others.
8. Select the Social Status to which you belong from the list provided i.e., SC, ST, BC-A, BC-B, BC-C, BC-D, BC-E and OC.
9. Select the employment status among the categories viz., Employed, Self Employed and Un-employed.
10. Select the option to which you are associated with under the category of Occupation viz., House wife, Agricultural Labourer, Labourer, Skilled Worker, Teacher, Businessman, Ministerial Service, Nurses, Politician, Defence and others.
11. Select either 'YES' or 'NO' under Differently Abled head. If you click 'YES' then you will find category of Physically Challenged, Visually Challenged and Hearing Impaired. Select appropriate category to which you belonged to.
12. Under this head, select the area in which you are residing i.e., Urban, Rural and Tribal.
13. In respect of photo and signature, put your passport size colour photograph alongwith your signature on a white paper below the photo and scan it. Both of them shall be uploaded to the Online Application.
14. At this stage you need to ensure that all the entries made in the above application are true to the best of your knowledge. Only after ensuring yourself that all the entries made are correct, then only, click on 'Submit' to take print out of the Application Form in two sets. The print out of this Application Form comes out with an application number; put your signature in the box provided on the left hand side, below the declaration.
15. Now, go to the study centre along with necessary certificates in original (i.e., Date of Birth, Caste, Qualification etc.) and a set of attested copies thereof. You have to submit Application Form alongwith one set of attested copies of certificates at study centre. After the verification of certificates by the study centre staff, the candidate is directed to make the Fee Payment. The candidate will also receive an SMS from University. Now the candidate has to pay the prescribed Tuition Fee of Rs. 1300/- along with 150/- towards Registration fee (Total Fee Rs. 1450) through AP Online Centre or Debit / Credit Card or through Net Banking (those who have account with SBH).
16. Once the payment of fee is made through AP online or credit card / debit card or Net banking (those who have account with SBH), a receipt will be generated with Admission number, confirming your admission.
17. It is instructed the candidate to collect his / her identity card from Study Centre at the time of collecting course material or at the commencement of contact-cum-counsellingclasses without fail.
18. Candidate is also advised to keep a printed copy of Application Form alongwith Fee receipt till the Programme is completed and all certificates are taken from the University.
