Rc.No.33-Inclusive Education Activities - 2013-14 - Guidelines to engage care-giving volunteers
Rc.No. 33/RVM(SSA)/IE/C5/2011 Dated. 29-06-2013
Sub:- Education Department - AP RVM (SSA) - Inclusive Education Activities -2013-14 - Guidelines to engage care-giving volunteers - Regarding.
Ref:- AWP&B 2013-14.
All the Project Officers of RVM (SSA) in the State are informed that under Inclusive Education for CWSN there is a component to engage Care-giving Volunteers @ 1 per IERC as per AWP&B 2013-14. The guidelines, roles & responsibility to engage Care-giving Volunteers are hereby communicated.
a) Only mother of a child with disability is eligible to engage as care-giving volunteer.
b) The age of mother shall be 20-36 ,years
c) The mother should have studied minimum of S.S.C (10th Class)
d) The mother should be the resident of the IERC Cluster.
e) Should have patience to work with Children with Special Needs.
It is purely temporary, engaged for a limited period of eleven (11) months on the principal of one-parent-one-time basis.
They are eligible for payment of honorarium @ RS.3000/- p.m.
The MEO will identify eligible mother and obtain the bio-data forms. Selection of Care-giving Volunteers will be done by DPO basing on the proposals submitted by MEO strictly following the above guidelines. The MEO may take the support of Resource Teachers of that mandaI. Their services are purely temporary and
may be terminated at any time without assigning any reason.
Therefore the Project Officers are requested to engage the Care giving Volunteers immediately strictly following the above guidelines.
Guidelines to engage care-giving volunteers
Rc.No. 33/RVM(SSA)/IE/C5/2011 Dated. 29-06-2013
Sub:- Education Department - AP RVM (SSA) - Inclusive Education Activities -2013-14 - Guidelines to engage care-giving volunteers - Regarding.
Ref:- AWP&B 2013-14.
All the Project Officers of RVM (SSA) in the State are informed that under Inclusive Education for CWSN there is a component to engage Care-giving Volunteers @ 1 per IERC as per AWP&B 2013-14. The guidelines, roles & responsibility to engage Care-giving Volunteers are hereby communicated.
a) Only mother of a child with disability is eligible to engage as care-giving volunteer.
b) The age of mother shall be 20-36 ,years
c) The mother should have studied minimum of S.S.C (10th Class)
d) The mother should be the resident of the IERC Cluster.
e) Should have patience to work with Children with Special Needs.
It is purely temporary, engaged for a limited period of eleven (11) months on the principal of one-parent-one-time basis.
They are eligible for payment of honorarium @ RS.3000/- p.m.
The MEO will identify eligible mother and obtain the bio-data forms. Selection of Care-giving Volunteers will be done by DPO basing on the proposals submitted by MEO strictly following the above guidelines. The MEO may take the support of Resource Teachers of that mandaI. Their services are purely temporary and
may be terminated at any time without assigning any reason.
Therefore the Project Officers are requested to engage the Care giving Volunteers immediately strictly following the above guidelines.