APRIES-Renewal of certain Contract Teachers for the year 2013-14
Sub:- APREIS- Renewal of certain Contract Teachers for the year 2013-14- Reg.
Ref:- 1) This office Procs.Rc No.4709/A2
2) Representations received from the contract teachers
In continuation of the orders at reference 1 representations of certain contract teacherspermitted to renew the services of the w.e.f. 01.07.2013 duly following the norms:
1) Services of Contract teachers who secured below 90% should not be renewed
2) Renew the services of the contract teachers who worked upto 23.04.2013 and achieved 90% and above passes in Annual examinations during 2012-13.
3) Contract teachers who secured 95-99% of passes may be warned before renewing the services.
4) An undertaking should be taken from the contract teachers who secured 90-95% of passes in Annual exams(2012-13) to reach the targets for the next academic year before renewal of their services.
5) Principals of APR Schools at Thungathurthy and Ammanabrolu are hereby directed not to renew the services of CRTs who were terminated on disciplinary grounds.
Principals are hereby directed to obtain fresh agreement bond (communicated by the Society vide reference 1st Cited by following the above norms scrupulously and compliance report should be submitted to this office by 08.07.2013.
Further, Principals are hereby directed to obtain an undertaking in writing from all the Contract teachers whose services are now renewed to the effect that they would obey all the orders of the Secretary as well as Principal and would not disobey in future. Any deviation from the above will be viewed seriously and Principal will be held responsible personally.