Instruction to the candidates who are applying for Inclusive Education Resource Teachers (MR) for the year 2013-14 - Patashala9

Saturday, 6 July 2013

Instruction to the candidates who are applying for Inclusive Education Resource Teachers (MR) for the year 2013-14


Instruction to the candidates who are applying for Inclusive Education Resource Teachers (MR) for the year 2013-14

  •  Rajiv Vidya Mission (SSA) is inviting applications from the candidates who have passed their Degree or Diploma in Special Education in Mental Retardation or equivalent course as prescribed by the Rehabilitation Council of India to work as Inclusive Education Resource Teacher to teach the Mentally Challenged (MR) children, temporarily on contract basis for a limited period not exceeding Ten months.
  •  The candidates, if selected, should have to work in the mandals and they have to enter in to contract with the RVM (SSA) before they are given placement orders.
  •  The candidates should have passed Special B.Ed or D.Ed in Mental Retardation by the date they applied to the post.
  •  Candidates shall submit the completely filled-in application on or before 17th July 2013 in their respective District Project Office of Rajiv Vidya Mission (SSA) during office timings and obtain acknowledge slip. Applications will be received till 5 pm of 17th July 2013 and after 5 pm applications will not be accepted.
  •  One candidate can apply only one application from any one of the districts. If the candidate is willing to work in other districts they have to indicate their order of preference in the application form.
  •  The rule of reservation and residential order will be followed while filling the IERT vacancies in the district.
  •  Candidates shall submit their application only in the format prescribed by the RVM (SSA). The candidates may download the application form and instructions to the candidates from the official website of Rajiv Vidya Mission (SSA)

 Photo copies of the following certificates shall be enclosed to the application duly attested by the Gezetted Officer.
• Marks memorandum of SSC (proof for date of birth).
• Marks memorandum of Board of Intermediate Education.
• Marks memorandum of Degree.
• Provisional/ Pass Certificate of Special D.Ed (1st & 2nd Year)
• Provisional/ Pass Certificate of Special B.Ed
• RCI Registration Certificate
• Study certificate from the college in which the professional Degree or Diploma
• Nativity Certificate/ Study Certificate 4th to 10th class (candidate can submit nativity / study certificate *at the time of counseling, if presently not available)
• Candidates shall affix her/ his recent photo and shall sign on the photo.
• Caste certificate, Disability certificate issued by the District Medical Board (if they claim reservation under PH category or to avail the benefit of being a parent of CwSN) and such other documents as may required by the candidate.
. *At the time of counseling, the candidate shall bring all the relevant original certificates as mentioned above along with nativity certificate for verification purpose.

 Qualifications prescribed by the RCI, New Delhi to work as Resource Teachers (MR) as follows:
1. XIIth passed and One year Diploma Programme in Early Childhood Special Education (DECSE-MR)
2. XIIth passed and Two year D.Ed Special Education in MR
3. XIIth passed and One year Diploma in Special Education (DSE) in MR
4. Diploma in Vocational Rehabilitation – Mental Retardation (DVR-MR)/ Diploma in Vocational Training and Employment – Mental Retardation (DVTE-MR) with 6 months Certificate Course in Education of Children with Special Needs.
5. Graduate with B.Ed Special Education in MR
6. B.Ed (General) with One year Diploma in Special Education in MR
7. B.Ed (General) with Two year Diploma in Special Education in MR
8. PG Diploma in Special Education (Mental Retardation in MR)
9. PG Diploma in Special Education (Multiple Disability: Physical & Neurological)

  •  No TA and DA will be paid to the candidates who are attending to the counseling.
  •  The selected candidates should have to work on full time basis with the RVM (SSA).
  •  Candidates selected to work as IE Resource Teacher shall have to undergo all such trainings, which will be arranged by Rajiv Vidya Mission (SSA), Andhra Pradesh.
  •  The State Project Director reserves the right to cancel/postpone the entire recruitment process at any time.
  •  Detailed job chart will be communicated after their selection.
