A.P.G.L.I. Department – Recommendations of the Committee on simplification of Procedures in the Directorate of Insurance ‐ Modification of common proposal form in lieu of fresh and enhancement proposal forms – Orders – Issued.
G.O.Ms.No. 189 Dated: 10‐07‐2013.
Read the following:‐
1. G.O.Ms. No. 105 Finance & Planning (FW.Pen.II) Department, dated 11‐05‐1981.
2. G.O.Ms.No. 17 Finance & Planning (FW.Pen.II) Department, dated 02‐02‐1982.
3. G.O.Ms.No. 43 Finance & Planning (Fw.Admn.III) Deparatment, dated 28‐1‐1989.
4. G.O.Ms.No.368 Finance & Planning (Fw.Admn.II) Department, dated 15‐11‐1994.
5. G.O.Ms.No. 106 Finance & Planning (FW.Admn.II) Department, dated 15‐04‐1995.
6. G.O.Ms.No. 29 Finance & Planning (Fw.Admn.II) Department, dated 30‐01‐2009.
7. G.O.Ms.No. 231 Finance & Planning (Fw.Admn.II) Department, dated 28‐06‐2010.
8. G.O.Ms.No. 83 Finance (Admn.II) Department, dated 07‐01‐2013.
9. Submission of Report of the Committee on simplification of Procedures in the Directorate of Insurance, dated 27‐02‐2013.
10. Director of Insurance, A.P., Hyderabad letter No. 01/General‐1/2012‐2013, Dated: 21‐03‐2013.
O R D E R :In the Government order 1st read above, the Government have constituted a Committee to study the possibilities of simplification of procedures and efficient functioning of the Department to render quick service to the Policy holders.
2. In the reference 9th read above, the Committee has submitted a report to the Government, wherein recommended that the form prescribed for submitting the proposal may be simplified by seeking only relevant information with regard to the date of appointment into Government Service, Pay, Subscription opted, health status and nomination and to dispense with the practice of seeking certain information regarding Women Employees.
3. In the reference 10th read above, the Director of Insurance has stated that the Committee in its reports has recommended for deletion of Women column stating that the information regarding last date of menstruation, regularity of periods, year of last confinement miscarriages and whether she is currently pregnant or not. These details are not relevant to the health status of women employees. Further, the information sought in very intrusive. The practice of seeking such information may be dispensed with.
4. Government after careful examination of the recommendations of the Committee and as per the request of the Director of Insurance, Government hereby permit to delete the Women Column from the existing proposal form and use the new proposal from annexed to this order which is more convenient and proponent friendly useful existing to the software system.
5. The Commissioner of Printing and Stationery, Hyderabad is requested to arrange for printing and supply of modified Proposal Form to the various departments against their indents and a copy of the revised Pro‐forma is available in A.P.G.L.I. Web site for down loading.
6. All the Departments of Secretariat / Heads of Departments are requested to issue suitable instructions to all their subordinates to ensure that all eligible employees (in the age group of 21 to 53 years) are brought under the Andhra Pradesh Government Life Insurance Scheme.