CCDU-RWSS-IEC in Schools during the Educational Fortnight on 04.07.2013 - Patashala9

Thursday, 4 July 2013

CCDU-RWSS-IEC in Schools during the Educational Fortnight on 04.07.2013

Conduct the Quiz& Slogans Competitions programmes in the selected 20 Schools per Mandals on 04.07.2013
Office of the Project Director, Communication & Capacity Development Unit
O/o Engineer-in-Chief, RWS&S SRTGN Bhavan,
Erram-manzil colony, Hyderabad-82 Phone/fax: 23310980

Memo No. CCDU/RWSS/AP- SHACS/IEC in Schools/2013     Date:   03 -07-2013

Sub: CCDU – RWSS – IEC in Schools during the Educational Fortnight on 04.07.2013 – Regarding

Ref: 1. Annual Action Plan 2013-14 for IEC Activities.
2.Education Fortnight Schedule from 22.06.203 to 05.07.2013.
                 3.This office Memo No. CCDU/RWSS/AP- SHACS/IEC in Schools/2013   Date: 24-06-2013
                     and 27.06.2013.
                 4. Mail dated 29.06.2013 of Lr. No:CCDU/RWSS/AP-SHACS/IEC in Schools /13 Dt 27.06.13 
                     addressed to the State Project Director, RVM, Hyderabad.

In continuation to this office memo reference 3rd cited above, all the Superintending Engineers, RWSS & Member Secretaries, DWSC in the State are once again requested to conduct the Quiz& Slogans Competitions programmes in the selected 20 Schools per Mandals on 04.07.2013 in a success manner to promote the Sanitation practices, Hygiene, Safe drinking practice etc.
A Model Quiz Competition- 40 Questions is enclosed for reference.

 Suggested questions for the ‘Quiz Competition in School’ on Health & Sanitation Day as a part of Education Fortnight – Government of Andhra Pradesh


1.    Which department looks after sanitation programme?
      A.   Rural Water Supply & Sanitation

2.   Which department looks after providing drinking water in Schools?
      A.   Rural Water Supply & Sanitation
3.   What is the full form of NBA?
A. Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan

4.   What is the full form of NGP?
A. Nirmal Gram Puraskaar

5.   Is it necessary to have a toilet in Panchayat office / other government offices?
A. No not necessary  
B. I Can’t Say   
C. No Idea       
D. Yes. It is compulsory

6.   What is the full form of SMC
A. Smart Mathematic Class           
B. Society Management Corporation        
C. School Management Committee
D. Smart Management Committee

7.   To get NGP, is it necessary to have School Toilets?
A. Not necessary                
B. It is necessary
C. Don’t know            
D. None of the above
8.   To get NGP, it is it necessary to have which of the following in the village?
A. If everybody in the village becomes Literates
B. If Roads and Drainages are properly available in the village                 
C. If Open Defecation is Banned in the village                 
D. All the above

9.   What is the full form of WASH?
A. Water Sanitation & Hygiene
B. Water Augmentation in School Hub
C. Don’t know   
D. None of the above

10.        In India, how many children are dying due to diarrhoea per day?
A. More than one thousand
B. 200
C. 500
D. 2000


11. What is the chemical symbol of Water?
A. H2O

12.        Which of the following are harmful bacteria?
A. Rhizobium   
B. Spirulina      
C. Shigella                
D. Azospirillum
13.        During Chlorination of water, which of the following will use by water men in villages?
A. Talcum powder     
B. Bleaching Powder
C. Boric power           
D. Tooth powder

14.        Cleaning of Water tanks in the village has to be done once in a _________?
A. 10 days      
B. 15 days
C. Month                  
D. Six months

15.        Which one of the following metals is having best insecticidal properties?
A. Gold (Aurum)      
B. Silver (Argentum) 
C. Iron (Ferrum)        
D. Lead (Plumbum)

16.        What is the pH of normal Drinking Water?
A. 10     B. 4             C. 12           D. 7

17.        What is the full form of “TDS” in relation to water?
A. Total Debris Salts              
B. Total Dissolved Solids                                    
C. Total Developing Standards    
D. Tax Deduction at Source

18.        The range of pH of strong acids?
A. 1 - 4        B. 5 to 7    C.  7 to 10   D. 10 to 14

19.        What is H2S means in H2S vial?
A. Hydrogen Sulphide
B. Herculian Suplur   
C.  Hydrogen Sodium        
D. Hemraj Sulphide

20.       What is the use of H2S vial in drinking water assessment?
A. To know the concentration of Calcium & Magnesium
B. To know the concentration of Hydrogen and Sulphur
C.  To know Bacterial Contamination in Drinking water
D. To know the concentration of thickness of water

21.        If we use H2S, in which colour does appear if the water is contaminated with bacteria?
A. The colour of the water change to black 
B. The colour of the water change to blue 
C.  The colour of the water change to red 
D. The colour of the water change to yellow 

22.       The causal element of Fluorosis is
A. Iron             B. Fluoride  C. Chloride   D. Chromium


23.       According to RTE Act, what is the ratio of toilet and urinals?
A. 1 toilet and 3 urinals per 80 Children

24.       What is meant by CWSN toilet?
         A.   Children With Special Needs Toilet

25.       It is necessary to have a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ for draining out the waste water in school premises?
A. Soak Pit    B. Over Head Water Tank         C. Bucket     D. Drum

26.       If one toilet is in school to whom it is meant for?
A. Boys  B. Teachers C. Parents    D. Girls

27.       Improper sanitation leads to which disease?
A. Rickets      B. Pellegra    C. Scurvey   D. Diarrhoea

28.       Who is Sanitation Minister in the School Cabinet?
A. Who looks after quality of meals in Schools        
B. Who looks after Sports in Schools
C. Who looks after Sanitation & Drinking water facilities
D. Who looks after attendance

29.       Which is the best way to disposing off the organic waste in the school
A. Burning     
B. Dumping in canal 
C. Preparation of Compost
D. None of the above

30.       Which of the following is the ideal way to draw drinking water from a vessel
A. Dipping tumbler along with hand in the vessel      
B. Using serving spoon 
C. None of the above

31.        One gram of faecal matter contains
A. One Lakh bacteria     
B. 100 bacteria          
C. One bacteria                   
D. No Bacteria

32.       Which of the fish used to control the population of mosquitoes in ponds?
A. Gold Fish    
B. Cat fish       
C. Gambusia Fish
D. Angel fish

33.       Dengue is transmitted by which mosquito 
B. Anopheles    
C. Culex           
D. Mansonia

34.       It’s a belief that child faeces are considered as free from pathogens. Is it true?
A.  No   B. Yes          C. No idea    D. None of the above

35.       How many pits are to be there in a IHHL (Individual House Hold Latrine)?  
A.  1        B. 2            C. 3    D. 4

36.       What is the quantity of ‘faecal matter’ on a fly’s legs?
A.  0.40 grams     
B.   0.50 grams          
C.   0.10 grams
D.   0.04 grams

37.       At what height the ‘vent pipe’ has to be kept in an IHHL under NBA [leach pit technology]?
A.  5 meters
B.   3 meters   
C.   7 meters
D.   There should be a vent pipe at all.


38.       It is enough to wash our hands with water before meals? Is it true or false?
A. No. Hand washing with only water is not enough. Hand washing with soap is essential.
39.       Hand washing is necessary? Which of the options is correct?
A. Hand washing after bath  B. Hand washing after using toilet
40.       During hand wash with soap, how many seconds one need to wash their hands with soap?
A. 1 second             
B. 1 hour          
C. 20 seconds
D. 30 minutes
