Rc.No.533-Procurement of provisions and certain items in KGBV Schools Under RVM management - Patashala9

Friday, 21 June 2013

Rc.No.533-Procurement of provisions and certain items in KGBV Schools Under RVM management

Rc.No.533-Procurement of provisions and certain items in KGBV Schools Under RVM management

AP KGBV Society-Procurement of provisions and certain items in KGBV Schools Under RVM management

State Project Director and Vice-Chariperson, Rajiv Vidya Mission (SSA)/APKGBV Society, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad

CIRCULAR:  Rc.No. 553/APKGBV/Budget/2013-14 Dated: 19-06-2013

Sub: APKGBV Society – Procurement of provisions and certain items in KGBV Schools under RVM Management – Additional Guidelines Issued – Reg.

Ref: Circular Instructions of the SPD/VC, APKGBV Society
Rc.No.553/APKGBV/ Budget/2013-14 dated 21.05.2013
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      In continuation of the guidelines issued in the reference cited above, the following Additional Guidelines are issued for the procurement of provisions and certain items in KGBV Schools. These Guidelines are to be followed in the procurement of all provisions such as Dals, Wheat, Oil, Sugar, Iodised Salt, Masalas, Eggs, Milk, Vegetables, etc. and other supplies required for the KGBV such as Stationery, Water, Electrical supplies, Sanitary cleaning items such as brooms, phenyl, acid, bleaching powder, etc. Rice shall be purchased from the Civil Supplies Department only. The Rice allotments will be done by the Commissioner, Civil Supplies from time to time and the same will be communicated.

1. District Level Process for Procurement:
a) District Purchase Committee (DPC) under the Chairmanship of the Joint Collector formed for procurement of different provisions and items required for the Welfare Hostels and Residential Schools in the District will also finalize the Suppliers and the Rates for the KGBVs as per the procedure therein. If the same is done separately, then the DPC shall be formed and will comprise of the
following members:
(i) Joint Collector – Chairperson
(ii) District Coordinator, APREIS – Member
(iii) District Supply Officer – Member
(iv) District Project Officer, RVM (SSA) – Convenor
b) District-wise tenders may be called for procurement of provisions.
c) The Convener has to prepare the tender schedule and the material for which tenders are to be called for.
d) In the case of Vegetables and Fruits, the Convener has to prepare the details / quantity of last one year consumption of each vegetable and finalize the rate basing on the tentative quantity required.
e) Based on the tenders received, the DPC shall finalize the list of Suppliers along with approved rates for each item.
f) This shall be done for all items/provisions such as Dals, Wheat, Oil, Sugar, Iodised Salt, Masalas, Eggs, Milk, Vegetables, etc. and other supplies required for the KGBV such as Stationery, Water, Electrical supplies, Sanitary cleaning items such as brooms, phenyl, acid, bleaching powder, etc.
g) The finalized list of Suppliers and Rates shall be communicated to all the KGBVs in the District.

2. KGBV Level Process:

A. Procurement of Provisions, Vegetables, Milk, Fruit and Eggs
a) The Special Officers shall purchase the required items from these approved Suppliers only as per the approved rates communicated to them by the DPC.
b) Payments for the items received shall be made by crossed cheque only. No cash payment may be made for any item. A cheque issue register should be maintained for all cheques that are issued by the Special Officer.
c) Rs. 1,00,000.00 (Rupees One Lakh only) shall be placed at the disposal of the Special Officer for purchase of provisions from the approved list of suppliers as per the approved rates.
d) The Special Officer shall maintain Cash Book, Ledger and Voucher-wise expenditure along with the Stock Register. All the Vouchers should maintained carefully and filed for audit verification purposes.
e) The Special Officers shall submit the details of expenditure for the previous month to replenish the amount for procurement of provisions during the following month. This shall be received by the District Project Office on or before 5th of every month.
f) The Project Officer, on scrutiny of the details of expenditure, will release the amount spent by the KGBV.
g) Provisions and other items must be received in the presence of one/two of the Food Committee members. The Special Officers should form a Food Committee with 2 CRTs and 4 Students (2 each from classes 9 and 10) for this purpose.
h) Low quality material and Non-Branded items should not be accepted.
i) The items received should be entered in the Stock Register immediately.
j) Fresh vegetables may be purchased thrice in a week according to the approved menu from the approved suppliers at the approved rate.
k) Eggs may be purchased twice a week. While accepting Eggs from the Suppliers care should be taken to accept those eggs which are of reasonable size.
l) Fruits should be purchased as per the menu. Seasonal Fruits like water melon, grapes, etc. may be purchased from the approved suppliers at the approved rate. Bananas with proper weight of 100 to 120 grams each shall be purchased so that one fruit per student is provided.

B. Procurement of Medicine
The Special Officers are directed not to purchase huge quantity of medicines. Special Officers have to obtain non-availability certificate from the concerned PHC Medical Officer, before purchasing Medicine in the open market. The non-availability certificate and Counter Signature of the PHC Medical Officer on every medical bill is required. No bill will be admitted without the signature of the Medical Officer.

C. Procurement of Stationery, Water, Electrical Supplies and Sanitary Items
a) Procurement of all these items shall be from the approved Suppliers only.
b) Stationery may be purchased once a month.
c) For other items such as water, electrical supplies, sanitary items, etc. purchase may be as per the financial code, i.e. up to Rs. 1,000/- approved local shops by obtaining quotations (with TIN/APGST); up to Rs. 10,000/- limited tender by calling quotations and as decided by the School Level Purchase Committee with the prior permission of the District Project Officers; above Rs. 10,000/- open tender by the DPC.
d) Wherever potable water is not available for drinking purpose, Packaged Drinking Water may be provided and the Gram Panchayat level RO unit provision shall explored before procuring for other sources. The District Collectors/Chairpersons, RVM (SSA) and the Project Officers of RVM (SSA), of all districts except Hyderabad and W Godavari, are therefore requested to follow these guidelines scrupulously while procuring provisions, vegetables, milk, eggs, fruit, stationery and other items required for the KGBV.

